Tuesday, 27 November 2012

Nov 27. Just 3 days left. Last minute gear check.
Will fly north tomorrow. Plan and buy food for the first leg
on Friday and hit the trail on Sat Dec 1.

Many unanswered questions swirling around in my mind:
Will we be able to average 25 km's per day to finish in time?
Slipping and falling on the trail is inevitable. Who will be the first
and will there be injuries?
What other unpredictable scenarios will we encounter?
Will our bodies hold up?
Will mother nature have a hand in the outcome?

Only time will tell.


  1. Yes there may be some slip and falls but NO there will NOT be any injuries! Looking forward to reading the ongoing blogs!

  2. Ready to follow your adventure! Happy Hiking!
    - Tarzan, AT class of 2012

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. I agree with Janet ... there MAY be slips/falls but NO INJURIES! I will re-live my 3 months in New Zealand as I follow your progress down through that incredibly scenic, magical country. All best wishes for a safe & FUN journey! --Katherine in Santa Ynez
